Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Latent,Acute and Chronic Diseases

Every disease, no matter what name it is known by Medical Science, is constipation. This the top of a earlier subject. In addition to mucus and its toxemia's in the system, there are other foreign matter such as uric acid, toxins, etc., and drugs if ever used. Drugs and food waste thru practical experience are Never eliminated, but stored up in the body for decades. Many cases have been observed where drugs taken 10, 20, 30 years and more were expelled together with mucus thru the Mucusless Diet System. This appears to be a perfect healing system. When chemical poisons are taken back after being dissolved in the circulation for elimination thru the kidneys- the nerves and the heart are affected- thus causing extreme nervousness, dizziness and excessive hear-bats, plus other strange sensations. So the uniformed people calls on the family doctor, who now diagnoses the condition as "heart-disease" and blame "lack of food" instead of drugs prescribed 10 years ago. The average "normal" man, that is healthy has a chronic, stored up accumulation of waste food, poisons and drugs.
When these latent disease matters are occasionally stirred up, for instance by a cold, we expel great quantities of mucus, and feel unhappy instead of enjoying Nature's cleansing process. If the quantity of loosened mucus is great enough to shock the entire system, but not still dangerous, it may be diagnosed as Influenza. If the eliminating work of Nature digs deeper into the system, like the important organ the lungs, so much mucus and poisons are loosened at once that the circulation has to work under great friction, similar to a dirty machine. The friction produces abnormal heat, which is called fever,and the doctors call it Pneumonia, which is Nature's way to free the Most Vital organ from waste. If the kidneys are called upon to eliminate this loosened mucus, and causing shock, it is called Nephritis, etcetera. When Nature endeavors to save a human life thru her efforts to eliminate "feverishly," mucus and its toxic products, its called acute disease.
The Medical profession has over 4000 names for different ailments. The derivation of the name of the disease is made according to its location of elimination; or pertains to the congested point where the blood stream finds it difficult of passage and causes pain- such as in rheumatism. Under this handicap Nature cannot work as efficiently, needing more time, and the case is then called "chronic".

Monday, March 30, 2009

Weight Reduction through Colon Cleanse

We all would like to lose inches from our bellies. As much as half the population has too much fat, even if you can't see it. With aging, we naturally store more fat in our bellies, thanks to hormones. When fat infiltrates the liver, which clears toxins from the blood, fat can wreak havoc on the entire circulatory system. Fat in fact raises the risk of colon cancer.

Americans today are fatter and tend to neglect exercising. It is very common to hear a friend say "I think I'm overweight, Do you think I am?" Two thirds of adults are obese, and fewer than a third exercise at least three times a week. Every year infact, about 900,000 people die from avoidable causes; failure to maintain a healthy weight, eating unnatural food and because they smoked or drank excessively. These causes alone account for roughly 40 percent of all U.S. deaths. Experts wary that progress in preventing these deaths will be halted or reversed if Americans don't start taking better care of themselves. With an effective whole body cleanse and fasting properly, the body will naturally function in the perfection that it was intended.

Bowtrol is an all natural herbal colon cleansing treatment that has changed lives through a gentle and effective whole body safe and effective internal cleansing. Bowtrol is formulated for maximum elimination and cleansing of the vital organs and lymphatic system. Colon cleansing is a safe way to eliminate the estimated 5 to 10 lbs. of undigested fecal matter clogging up our colon. Think of it, you can rid yourself of harmful toxins that are causing dis-ease, flatten your tummy and lose unwanted weight all at the same time. You owe it to yourself to improve your health through weight reduction and colon cleansing.